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Guangzhou ChangWu Stage Lighting Co.,ltd

All Products >> scan light

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scan light
scan light
Specification: CW100250A
Detail: POWER: 220V/50Hz (The other power can order) LAMP: HSD250 POWER CONSUMPTION: 350W CONTROL SIGNAL: DMX512 CONTROL CHANNELS: 6CH SIZE: L640mm W280mm H240mm WEIGHT: 12 KG ¡ñ 8 colors, achieving high speed double way rainb...

scan light
scan light
Specification: CW100S1200B
Detail: POWER: 220V/50Hz (The other power can order) LAMP: HMI 1200W\GS POWER CONSUMPTION: 1500W CONTROL SIGNAL: DMX512 CONTROL CHANNELS: 8CH SIZE: L1250mm W330mm H230mm WEIGHT: 48KG

scan light
scan light
Specification: CW100S575C
Detail: POWER: 220V/50Hz (The other power can order) LAMP: HMI 575W \GS POWER CONSUMPTION: 680W CONTROL SIGNAL: DMX512 CONTROL CHANNELS: 7CH SIZE: L860mm W330mm H250mm WEIGHT: 38KG

scan light
scan light
Specification: CW100S575B
Detail: POWER: 220V/50Hz (The other power can order) LAMP: HMI 575W \GS POWER CONSUMPTION: 680W CONTROL SIGNAL: DMX512 CONTROL CHANNELS: 7CH SIZE: L860mm W330mm H250mm WEIGHT: 38KG

scan light
scan light
Specification: CW100S250B
Detail: POWER: 220V/50Hz (The other power can order) LAMP: HSD250 POWER CONSUMPTION: 320W CONTROL SIGNAL: DMX512 CONTROL CHANNELS: 4CH SIZE: L570mm W275mm H125mm WEIGHT: 10KG ¡ñ 8 colors, achieving high speed double way rain...
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